Teeth Cleaning
Teeth Cleaning
Professional teeth cleaning plays a very important role in a healthy mouth. Keeping plaque and bacteria from accumulating on the teeth and gums is essential to keeping decay and disease from developing. Dr. Juan Carlos Barbosa offers regular professional cleanings as well as expert patient education on the best home oral hygiene routine.
Daily brushing is the first line of defense against plaque. Brushing and flossing followed by rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash should be done at least twice a day. The toothbrush should be the correct size to access the entire mouth, especially the back teeth, and the bristles should be soft. Every six months, toothbrushes should be thrown away and replaced with new ones.
The second line of defense against plaque is professional cleanings. This is also referred to as prophylaxis and should be done once every six months. The prophylaxis is performed by a certified dental hygienist, starting with scaling the plaque off the teeth. Special attention is paid between the teeth and at the gum line. Once the plaque has been scraped off the teeth, gritty toothpaste is used to polish the tooth enamel. Flossing is the last step before Dr. Barbosa does a thorough examination to pinpoint any tooth decay that may have developed or other problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible.
Call 713-524-6900 to make an appointment for your professional teeth cleaning.